Take less than 2 minutes - watch this video - to find out more about our exciting summer innovation workshops
Watch this TEDx talk to find out more about ÉnergieRich’s goals and vision:
Read this article: Centering Culture in Solar Energy
published in Earth Island Journal, to find out more about our work during our 2021 Summer Innovation Program at Red Clay Art Studio and Savannah Centre for Contemporary Art (SCCA) founded by artist Ibrahim Mahama located in Tamale, Ghana.
ÉnergieRich Summer Innovation Workshop in Tamale, Ghana - 2022
In partnership with Savannah Centre for Contemporary Art, Ashesi University and Tamale Technical University
ÉnergieRich Executive Director, Dena Montague presents for the Institute for the Quantitative Study of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity, Colloquium Series
ÉnergieRich Executive Director, Dena Montague presents at panel discussion “Data-informed Climate Change Initiatives”, sponsored by LA Tech 4 Good - 2020
ÉnergieRich engineers, Stewart Isaacs and Nosa Edoimioya, selected as inaugural Archer-Cornfield Teaching Fellows at Ashesi University - 2019
Left to right: Nosa Edoimioya, Stewart Isaacs at Ashesi University
ÉnergieRich internship program at Ashesi University in Ghana - 2019 funded by MIT International Science & Technology Initiatives in Africa (MISTI-Africa) & MIT Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship. The internship program was led by Stewart Isaacs and Nosa Edoimioya
ÉnergieRich Ashesi University Interns, from left to right: Emmanuella Achama-Sarfo Anti, Dokua Asiedu, Portia Awuah, not pictured, Michael Tafadzwa Dzine
ÉnergieRich Co-Founder, Boureima Kabre visits the U.S. from Burkina Faso -2019. The visit included attendance at MIT Solve Conference, visiting Stanford University engineering students and faculty and presenting with Dena Montague at the Mellon Sawyer Seminar on Energy Justice in Global Perspective at UC Santa Barbara to discuss the importance of local assembly and manufacturing of solar products
Boureima Kabre and Dena Montague with students and faculty at MIT
ÉnergieRich accepted to the Sandbox Innovation Fund Program at MIT - 2019.
The Sandbox Program provides support for teams to develop innovative entrepreneurial ideas at MIT.
ÉnergieRich selected as Finalists for EDF Pulse Africa Awards - 2018
Boureima Kabre represents ÉnergieRich in Paris, France for the EDF Pulse Africa Awards
ÉnergieRich receives "Impact and Innovation Award" at the 2018 African Diaspora Investment Symposium
“3rd Annual African Diaspora Investment Symposium
Building Africa’s Future: Magnifying What is Within”
“Jumping Through Life and His Passions at MIT” - MIT AeroAstro Graduate Student, Stewart Isaacs featured in News from MIT Division of Student Life
"Sowing The Seeds of Solar" by Dena Montague
Earth Island Journal, Autumn 2017
Volume 32 No 3
"Improving the Egg-conomy: Alumna engineers self-sustainable incubator in African country" by Gabriella Vulakh
The Broadview
“NASA student competitors honored for persistence”
MIT News
August 14, 2018