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"On The Line"
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A documentary film by Bonny Judiciaël Anoman following the work of ÉnergieRich
Meet the filmmaker
Bonny interviews Boureima Kabre in Burkina Faso for the film "On The Line"
Bonny grew up in Paris and studied film at Paris 8 University. His films respond to the misrepresentation of marginalized communities by the French media and document movements for social justice.
The largest uprising against police brutality in modern French history took place in 2005.
No Justice - No Peace!
After the uprising, Bonny decided to buy a camera to record the truth about the uprising from the point of view of the people living in marginalized communities.
His first documentary film "Justice Pour Lamba" told the story of a childhood friend, Lamba Soukouna who was brutally assaulted by the police.
Dena Montague asked Bonny why he decided to make the film "On The Line"
"As a French person originally from Ivory Coast, I deeply care about Africa. Like a great deal of people in my position, I believe in getting involved in changing the Continent's economic and social situation particularly with its wealth and natural resources
My question was - Where and how shall I start to be effective?
ÉnergieRich's projects answered my question!
Builders are those who strive to build good foundations for a larger group. It is obvious to me that ÉnergieRich are taking on a builder role in Burkina Faso and in Africa.
I am more than honored and proud to be working on this venture as a documentary filmmaker and thus witnessing this proactive initiative which I hope will spark thousands of others bringing back Africa's dignity and greatness."